
Showing posts from July, 2022

Abdisa Aga

Colonel Abdissa Aga/Abdisa Aga Colonel Abdissa Aga was born in Welega, Oromia. His father lost his temper and killed his own brother when Abdissa was about 12 years old. Though he went as far as Addis Ababa to appeal for the release of his father, he was executed. Sad and embittered, he joined the Ethiopian Army around the age of 14 and fought against Fascist Italy in 1936 in Ethiopia. He was captured and imprisoned in a concentration camp in the island of Sicily in Italy. There he met Captain Julio, a Yugoslav hero. The two became friends and made a daring escape from the concentration camp taking with them a dozen prisoners to the woods. They returned to the camp a few days later, at night, led by young Abdissa who was terribly feared by the Italians.


  Is Irreecha a religion or culture?


Gadaa (Oromo: Gadaa: spelling: Gadaa; literally: era) is  the indigenous democratic system of governance used by the Oromos in Ethiopia and northern Kenya . It is also practiced by the Konso and Gedeo people of southern Ethiopia. The system regulates political, economic, social and  Gadaa (Oromo: Gadaa: spelling: Gadaa; literally: era) is  the indigenous democratic system of governance used by the Oromos in Ethiopia and northern Kenya . It is also practiced by the Konso and Gedeo people of southern Ethiopia. The system regulates political, economic, social and religious activities of the community religious activities of the community

